Super mario miitopia wiki
Super mario miitopia wiki


  • The file name of an image in the official website for the Nintendo 3DS version of Luigi's Mansion misspells his name as " Guigi.Quests are created from another tab and are simple forms.
  • It is also the only depiction of Gooigi in which he shows any kind of emotion.
  • Concept art of Luigi's Mansion 3 shows Gooigi with an "L" on his cap instead of a "G".
  • In the last image of "XXX-003 The Birth of Gooigi", Gooigi is shown to be having a much clearer "G" emblem on his cap, as opposed to the very faint "G" on his cap in-game.
  • However, Goo is element number "00" (a reference to its name when combined with its symbol: G 00, which is also used in " Poltergust G-00").
  • To further this idea, all elements after bismuth (element 83) are radioactive.
  • However, due to how Gooigi was created, it would by definition not be an element, but a compound or mixture. Gadd listed "Goo" as a new element on the periodic table. Gooluigi, "Gomi" comes from "Gominol", which is the goo's name in Spanish. Gadd discovered the green element known as Goo, then used Luigi’s biological data to create an exceedingly green copy of Luigi."Ĭameo in TETRIS x Luigi's Mansion 3 event
  • Luigi's Mansion 3 Trivia Quiz: " Professor E.
  • Made from a substance created from ghost energy, called "goo," Gooigi looks almost exactly like Luigi!"
  • In-game bio: "A doppelganger of Luigi that is stored inside the Poltergust.
  • European website bio: "This gooey, green doppelganger can use to squeeze through tight spaces, walk across dangerous spike-laden floors, help lift heavy objects and overcome all sorts of contraptions.".
  • He has half the health of Luigi, but if he is defeated in battle, he can revive after a short time."


    Digital manual description: "Gooigi cannot open doors.Ultimate as he is stored inside Luigi's Poltergust G-00, which he uses for his grabs and Final Smash. While never seen in humanoid form, Gooigi is technically present in Super Smash Bros. Gadd and the ghosts while everyone else leaves. Gadd's advanced age prevented him from being as capable of doing ghost hunting himself as before.Īt the end of the game, Gooigi contributes in rebuilding the destroyed hotel, and stays behind with E.

    super mario miitopia wiki

    Gadd when supplying Luigi with Gooigi, he created him to have a helper in catching ghosts on his spare time, since E.

    super mario miitopia wiki

    He also appears in ScreamPark, where the player can choose him or Luigi as a playable character. He also appears in the ScareScraper, where multiple colored Gooigis can appear for multiplayer Gooigis come in blue, gold, and pink colors. In co-op mode, Gooigi is controlled by the second player. He also has only 25 HP however, whenever Gooigi takes damage, he will momentarily recover his HP at a steady pace. Gooigi can also vibrate when Luigi is near a door and enters a room where a Boo is hidden the closer Luigi is to the Boo, the more Gooigi vibrates, similar to the Game Boy Horror's Boo Radar in Luigi's Mansion. Gooigi is unable to open doors, although he can still insert keys in them to unlock them. However, he melts if he touches water and disintegrates if he touches fire. Gooigi reappears in Luigi's Mansion 3, where the player can use him to reach certain areas that Luigi cannot reach, such as areas behind bars, past spikes, or through grates. Gadd calls a second time to look at Gooigi's stats if the game was played in multiplayer. When Gooigi is not being played by a second player, he is seen in the background of The Lab staring at some test tubes.Īfter the end credits, the future E. He begins with only 50 HP and is vulnerable to fire, burning and melting very easily, but can revive indefinitely if his health reaches zero. In Luigi's Mansion, Gooigi serves as the second player in the game's new multiplayer mode.


    Luigi's Mansion series Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS) Gadd, indicating that this occurred after Luigi had cleared out the Haunted Towers and begun exploring the Old Clockworks. Three collected Dark Moon pieces are shown on the monitor behind the future E. Gadd's testing to his and Luigi's past selves. Gadd calls "Goo."Īfter further tests, the goop took the form of Luigi and was named "Gooigi" and sent back in time to the events of the original Luigi's Mansion, outsourcing E. Gadd spilled his Lunoman Greenie blend coffee into the liquid, which caused it to turn green and stabilize into a goop form, which E. When a " stealthy ghost" snuck up behind him, E.

    super mario miitopia wiki

    Believing this liquid to be a key to many new inventions, he performed tests on the liquid, but it did not react to anything: heat, cold, poking it with iron, pouring it on rubber, or E. Gadd was experimenting on a new, strange blue liquid he gathered from other ghosts, as he relates in his research journal. During Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Professor E.

    Super mario miitopia wiki